Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sometimes you just have to paddle faster!


A few days ago I was talking to my friend Robert about how much we enjoyed our first trip to Alaska this summer. He proceeded to tell me about this kayaker who inadvertently became dangerously close to becoming a cracker for this whale's kelp dip. It got me thinking about how most of the big stresses that overtake me in life get most of their intense energy from their inherent "surprise" factor. However, in spite of my adrenal surges, to everyone else involved the "whales" in my life are really not so surprising. Truthfully, it is quite miraculous that there is so much smooth water for most of my paddling day after day. Still "kelp" happens and there are those times when we simply need to paddle faster.

Posted via email from pkpiano's posterous

Reclaiming the territory


This is a picture of my studio after the piano was moved in earlier this summer. I am still putting things back into order, but it is a glorious space in which to work. It seems as if I have been throwing things away all summer and there is still too much "stuff" for the space. This week I am working on Beethoven op. 81a and some pieces by Griffes. Oh yeah, school starts today, too.

Posted via email from pkpiano's posterous