Thursday, June 26, 2008

Twitter. . . my new obsession

Okay, okay. . . I have fallen off the blogging wagon yet again. I played a concert Sunday afternoon and I have not posted to this poor blog ever since. Anyway, the concert went well despite the ridiculously hot weather (we are absolutely spoiled in San Diego, at least that is what people tell me routinely, so 90 degrees feels really hot to me). Also, this concert provided an opportunity to get my get the e-mail program in my Hostbaby account working. For this performance, a group of about 150 near neighbors got both an individualized e-mail announcement and a follow-up notice for the concert. Very cool! As a result, some folks came who I haven't seen in forever, but I digress. . .

After the concert I read a bit on David Hooper's Music Business blog about Twitter. He asserts that this is the next big thing social networking resource for musicians trying to build an audience through their online presence. Well, I am hooked. For the past four days I have been simply messing around with it, and I must say in a very unsophisticated way. I don't really know what I am doing yet but I am having fun playing with the toys.


minim said...

Interesting article! Thanks for posting the link - and for following me on twitter which is how I found your blog :-D

LeLe said...

I also found your blog through your following me on Twitter. I'm going to start following you and put your blog on my RSS feed. If you're interested in my boring blog, it's Nice to "meet" you! Oh, and I LOVE Beethoven. He's my favorite composer of all time.